PCC Minutes September 2006
St Catherine’s PCC meeting
Monday 18th September 2006, in the church.
1. The meeting opened at 7.30 with a prayer, the hymn “Be still for the presence of the Lord” and a reading from Matthew 7
2. Apologies for absence were received.
3. Minutes of previous Meeting: Stuart proposed, John seconded with all in favour that the minutes be accepted.
4. Matters arising. Marcus gave brief updates on the following:-
a). Redecorating the nave – exhibition. The expected Lottery money came in.
b). Alpha report / prayer meetings. Kirsty will be starting a Youth Alpha course this term with a group of 6 or 7 teenagers. Prayers were asked for this venture. It is hoped that a Wednesday lunchtime Alpha course will start at the end of October. Attendance at the prayer meetings on Saturday is up and down, 24 being the most at the last 24 hour event.
c). Welcoming people into church:. David reported that a new rota was now in place
d. Children’s Work. Naomi gave details of how her work is going:
i) Holiday Club with Olympics theme – 35 children overall attended with 28-29 each day. The next event is planned for Easter 2007 but also looking at setting up an after school club on Tuesdays, volunteers needed.
ii) Naomi has done 7 school assemblies and is booked to November with Coedylan
iii) Mini Kidz is growing
iv) Children’s Church followed lectionary last year, this year they will be looking at characters from the Bible alphabetically.
v) Because of the amount of work needed the PCC were advised that Naomi’s hours have increased to 25 per week.
e. Projector and Camera. A demonstration of both was held, both Ian and Stuart commented that seeing the services on video/Dvd had been greatly appreciated by family members unable to attend services regularly and found the quality very good. Marcus confirmed that either video or DVD format was available.
f. Notice board. Rhian reported this was ongoing and awaiting final draft.
g. Library/ leaflets. Although the library part is happening Gill T said that we need to look at displaying leaflets/ magazines and suggested boards with plastic pockets
h. 24 hour worship. Marcus said the event had been great and that he was delighted by the support and turnout. Also on a personal note that he felt so well after the event, (not surprising when you spend 24hours with the Lord). He paid particular tribute to Assistant Bishop David who said he would tell and encourage other churches to put on similar events.
i. Mice. It was noted that rubbish generated is still not being cleared regularly. Rhian is in the process of purchasing plastic boxes with lids so that crockery can be stored cleanly and safely.
j. Bibles purchased for church members. Some Bibles have been sold, Marcus gave details of a special offer for September only that they will be sold at a reduced price of £10 rather than the original £15.
5. Next 24 hour Worship. Marcus outlined the events taking place. Bishop David will be there on Saturday and again on Sunday for the Confirmation being held. Esther asked if there are any candidates from St Caths; they are Derek, Jill, Ashley and Helen. Normal hospitality will be provided after the service but as we expect a large congregation that day Marcus will approach the Mothers Union to provide refreshments.
6 Sharing Faith. The meeting was asked to think about creatively sharing faith. It was suggested that a policy be put in place that once a year we focus on sharing faith. Val said this was something she found difficult, Gill T clarified that an expert would talk to us about sharing faith.
Marcus asked that the Harvest offering would go to Soteria Trust which runs a school in Nigeria. They now need a tertiary college to teach students skills. Andy Economides from the trust will be at St Caths in 3 weeks time to talk about his project, and he will be invited back at Easter for a weekend of Evangelism. The PCC were asked for and gave their views on this and a vote was taken on:-
a. The principle of having an annual outreach event - This was proposed by Val, seconded by Derek. With 1 abstention all others were in favour.
b. Inviting Andy Economides to help us share faith this year, and giving to the Soteria Trust. This was proposed by Ken, seconded Guy with all in favour.
7. Church Hall. The PCC were asked to consider two ideas.
Option 1. Look at a future possibility of running a playgroup which would be helping the community and the church. A working party has been looking at the feasibility of this and presented their costs and findings. Elspeth asked if there was a need as there are already local groups. We would need to reach the target number to cover costs but yes there appears to be a need. Naomi offered to do a report on an existing playgroup in a church. Gill M asked about it being a possible feeder for church schools. Maggie asked if cost of equipment for playgroup had been taken into account.
Option 2. If some work was to be done, why not go further…
The top floor of the church hall could be renovated to accommodate a lounge area for Mothers Union, an office for the Children’s worker, and a Sunday school room. We then were asked to look at connecting the church and the hall, Cadw having been consulted, and Davies Sutton architects asked to produce a feasibility study. There seem to be 3 ways to link the two buildings.
1. Cloister outside the vestry
2. From the West Porch across the West front of the church
3.Through the side wall of the church near the kitchen area..
There were several concerns raised including: the cost of feasibility survey (£6000), the moving of the kitchen area, and the effect on the windows. Marcus encouraged everyone to mention to him any matters that occurred to them. On the positive side Gill T has seen this done in other churches where it has worked well, Guy suggested that the hall could be hired out for wedding receptions and Derek reminded the meeting of our vision ‘ to grow’ the church.
A meeting will be held as soon as the feasibility study has been done.
9. Cleaning rota. This is not working. Three choices were given. Pay a cleaner, carry on with rota or hold monthly cleaning parties. It was proposed by Gill M, seconded by Alan W with all in favour that the monthly cleaning parties take place.
10. A.O.B
a. Rhian asked that minutes be on our web notice board. Proposed Naomi seconded Ian with all in favour.
b. Val asked if working party could think about getting more colour in garden of remembrance after comments from a visitor. Marcus will discuss this with working party.
c. Derek asked if it would be possible to removes kneelers from pews as would make cleaning easier. Think about discuss at a later date.
Date of next PCC meeting – Monday Dec 4th 2006
Monday 18th September 2006, in the church.
1. The meeting opened at 7.30 with a prayer, the hymn “Be still for the presence of the Lord” and a reading from Matthew 7
2. Apologies for absence were received.
3. Minutes of previous Meeting: Stuart proposed, John seconded with all in favour that the minutes be accepted.
4. Matters arising. Marcus gave brief updates on the following:-
a). Redecorating the nave – exhibition. The expected Lottery money came in.
b). Alpha report / prayer meetings. Kirsty will be starting a Youth Alpha course this term with a group of 6 or 7 teenagers. Prayers were asked for this venture. It is hoped that a Wednesday lunchtime Alpha course will start at the end of October. Attendance at the prayer meetings on Saturday is up and down, 24 being the most at the last 24 hour event.
c). Welcoming people into church:. David reported that a new rota was now in place
d. Children’s Work. Naomi gave details of how her work is going:
i) Holiday Club with Olympics theme – 35 children overall attended with 28-29 each day. The next event is planned for Easter 2007 but also looking at setting up an after school club on Tuesdays, volunteers needed.
ii) Naomi has done 7 school assemblies and is booked to November with Coedylan
iii) Mini Kidz is growing
iv) Children’s Church followed lectionary last year, this year they will be looking at characters from the Bible alphabetically.
v) Because of the amount of work needed the PCC were advised that Naomi’s hours have increased to 25 per week.
e. Projector and Camera. A demonstration of both was held, both Ian and Stuart commented that seeing the services on video/Dvd had been greatly appreciated by family members unable to attend services regularly and found the quality very good. Marcus confirmed that either video or DVD format was available.
f. Notice board. Rhian reported this was ongoing and awaiting final draft.
g. Library/ leaflets. Although the library part is happening Gill T said that we need to look at displaying leaflets/ magazines and suggested boards with plastic pockets
h. 24 hour worship. Marcus said the event had been great and that he was delighted by the support and turnout. Also on a personal note that he felt so well after the event, (not surprising when you spend 24hours with the Lord). He paid particular tribute to Assistant Bishop David who said he would tell and encourage other churches to put on similar events.
i. Mice. It was noted that rubbish generated is still not being cleared regularly. Rhian is in the process of purchasing plastic boxes with lids so that crockery can be stored cleanly and safely.
j. Bibles purchased for church members. Some Bibles have been sold, Marcus gave details of a special offer for September only that they will be sold at a reduced price of £10 rather than the original £15.
5. Next 24 hour Worship. Marcus outlined the events taking place. Bishop David will be there on Saturday and again on Sunday for the Confirmation being held. Esther asked if there are any candidates from St Caths; they are Derek, Jill, Ashley and Helen. Normal hospitality will be provided after the service but as we expect a large congregation that day Marcus will approach the Mothers Union to provide refreshments.
6 Sharing Faith. The meeting was asked to think about creatively sharing faith. It was suggested that a policy be put in place that once a year we focus on sharing faith. Val said this was something she found difficult, Gill T clarified that an expert would talk to us about sharing faith.
Marcus asked that the Harvest offering would go to Soteria Trust which runs a school in Nigeria. They now need a tertiary college to teach students skills. Andy Economides from the trust will be at St Caths in 3 weeks time to talk about his project, and he will be invited back at Easter for a weekend of Evangelism. The PCC were asked for and gave their views on this and a vote was taken on:-
a. The principle of having an annual outreach event - This was proposed by Val, seconded by Derek. With 1 abstention all others were in favour.
b. Inviting Andy Economides to help us share faith this year, and giving to the Soteria Trust. This was proposed by Ken, seconded Guy with all in favour.
7. Church Hall. The PCC were asked to consider two ideas.
Option 1. Look at a future possibility of running a playgroup which would be helping the community and the church. A working party has been looking at the feasibility of this and presented their costs and findings. Elspeth asked if there was a need as there are already local groups. We would need to reach the target number to cover costs but yes there appears to be a need. Naomi offered to do a report on an existing playgroup in a church. Gill M asked about it being a possible feeder for church schools. Maggie asked if cost of equipment for playgroup had been taken into account.
Option 2. If some work was to be done, why not go further…
The top floor of the church hall could be renovated to accommodate a lounge area for Mothers Union, an office for the Children’s worker, and a Sunday school room. We then were asked to look at connecting the church and the hall, Cadw having been consulted, and Davies Sutton architects asked to produce a feasibility study. There seem to be 3 ways to link the two buildings.
1. Cloister outside the vestry
2. From the West Porch across the West front of the church
3.Through the side wall of the church near the kitchen area..
There were several concerns raised including: the cost of feasibility survey (£6000), the moving of the kitchen area, and the effect on the windows. Marcus encouraged everyone to mention to him any matters that occurred to them. On the positive side Gill T has seen this done in other churches where it has worked well, Guy suggested that the hall could be hired out for wedding receptions and Derek reminded the meeting of our vision ‘ to grow’ the church.
A meeting will be held as soon as the feasibility study has been done.
9. Cleaning rota. This is not working. Three choices were given. Pay a cleaner, carry on with rota or hold monthly cleaning parties. It was proposed by Gill M, seconded by Alan W with all in favour that the monthly cleaning parties take place.
10. A.O.B
a. Rhian asked that minutes be on our web notice board. Proposed Naomi seconded Ian with all in favour.
b. Val asked if working party could think about getting more colour in garden of remembrance after comments from a visitor. Marcus will discuss this with working party.
c. Derek asked if it would be possible to removes kneelers from pews as would make cleaning easier. Think about discuss at a later date.
Date of next PCC meeting – Monday Dec 4th 2006