St Catherine's Pontypridd Web Parish

This is the web parish of St Catherine's Pontypridd. Regular members may apply to post here via our church website, and any friends and visitors may comment. We are here to worship God, to share our faith in Jesus, and to care for all in the power of the Spirit. Thanks for spending time with us!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Parish Mission Statement

We review this from time to time: this is last year's Mission Statement slightly edited. Any comments?

Worship, Evangelism, Compassion

We are an Anglican congregation in the Church in Wales, and as such we are committed to the ageless work of God’s people everywhere:

1) We are here to worship God. God is the focus of our lives, and we desire nothing more than to please him and to serve him. Our services are our expression of this as we gather together, and we have begun to develop what we do together with the introduction of easy to use service booklets for both traditional and alternative Communion services, with a new format for our evening services combining evensong and informal worship, as well as other occasional expressions such as Café Church and Family Services, always with an emphasis on the whole family of God coming together.

2) We are here to share our faith with others. Jesus, by his death on the cross, has won for us complete forgiveness of all our wrongs. This is the core of our faith, and the treasure in our hearts. It is our desire to share this treasure with all who would like to receive it. Special outreach services have been well attended – at Easter, Harvest, Christmas and at Valentine’s Day when we welcomed back several of the couples who were married here in the summer months. The Alpha course is now an established part of our church life. In addition we are seeking to make more of our contacts with weddings couples and christening families, as well as those who make use of our mid week children’s work, seeing some of them become integrated into our Sunday congregations. This is all making sharing faith in Jesus easier, and stressing this priority in our regular Christian experience.

3) We are here to show God’s love to the world by acts of compassion, kindness and healing, as the Holy Spirit enables us. Christianity is very personal, but always to be used for the good of others, and we seek to show our love for God by practical acts of love in our own families and community. Some members are involved in local initiatives to help the homeless, and all have participated in collections for the work of Soteria Trust in Nigeria, Christian Outreach in Vietnam, a locally organised charity working with orphanages in Romania, the Maseno Project helping farmers in Kenya and the Barnabas Trust working with Christians in Iraq. Our burgeoning work with young families and our prospective work with the elderly are an integral outworking of this desire.

Mission Action Plan

Our mission as a church is defined in our mission statement; our mission action plan is designed as a practical reminder of the ways in which we seek to effect our mission priorities day by day.

Mission Action Plan

• To make our corporate worship the best it can be
• To further improve the music in our worship, and to pray for more musicians
• To make our styles of worship relevant to those who worship here
• To draw together more musicians and singers to be involved regularly in our worship
• To use as many members of the church in the services as possible, through readings, prayers, welcoming, collections, helping lead worship and preaching.
• To make all our service materials easy to follow and large print, using projection as often as possible as the best practice
• To make our place of worship warm, attractive and comfortable
• To introduce a culture of being spiritually prepared to worship, not arriving at church spiritually dry
• To foster fellowship after services with more coffee times and meals
• Above all, to worship Jesus with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength in our daily lives, so that our corporate gatherings reflect this wonderful truth.

Evangelism• To develop ongoing policies to help every church member share their faith with others
• To preach Biblical Christianity in all services so that our general understanding of our faith grows
• To make the development of children’s ministry in the parish a priority, both in terms of fostering faith amongst our own children and reaching out into the wider community
• To make our children’s worker post full time as soon as possible
• To improve our hall facilities to aid this work
• To reach out to young families, creating a safe place for them to think about faith
• To reach out to the elderly and bring faith and hope to all who are in need
• To supplement this with home groups where all may learn more informally, and where every member learns to explain as well as understand their faith
• To encourage more church members into a home group year by year
• To promote Alpha, and to hold at least one Alpha Course every year.
• To make Alpha essential for all wishing to be confirmed
• To make services accessible to outsiders and newcomers through easy to follow materials
• To have regular evangelistic services, particularly at festivals and baptisms; Christmas and Easter services should especially be aimed this way
• To forge relationships through occasional offices with as many people as possible, and to draw them into church life
• To establish a regular pattern of parish outreach by January 2008, involving one mission week or weekend every year
• To work out new forms of outreach which reflect our priorities as a church – always placing worship first

• To begin our care at home: to visit the elderly, the housebound, the sick of the church with regularity
• To appoint a Parish Visitor to head this ministry
• For this programme to be joined by all church members
• For this programme to be more than a social call, but to involve practical offers of help and a time of prayer
• For this programme to be headed up by authorised lay parish visitors
• For a wider development of social outreach to be studied
• To seek to employ a Senior Worker to oversee a programme of care and outreach to the older members of our community
• To provide a haven for the elderly in our community and a place of refreshment and encouragement
• To improve our hall facilities to aid this work
• For involvement with caring services in the parish to be developed
• For a mission partnership programme to be investigated
• For occasional offerings to be made for local and international charities and mission programmes
• For 10% of our church budget to be assigned to such giving

Our desire is to see God’s kingdom grow in Pontypridd through the life and service of all members of St Catherine’s. This Mission Action Plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure it helps this programme in line with our Parish Mission Statement.