PCC Minutes May 2007
St Catherine’s PCC meeting- Monday 21st May 2007
1. The meeting opened at 7:30 with a reading from Psalm 37.
2. Apologies:
3. Minutes of last meeting. Accepted as read: Stuart proposing, Ian seconding.
4. Matters arising. Marcus gave updates on the following:
a) Alpha/Prayer meeting. Alpha ends this week; will continue as Wed. lunchtime home group, open to all from next week. Prayer meetings on first Saturdays have been well attended. Please remember them in prayer if you cannot attend.
b) Children: Holiday Club in Holy Week was themed around Egypt; 45 different children attended in the course of the week. New this time, parents were invited in on last day for presentations and refreshments. Next Holiday Club will be the second week of the summer holidays.
c) Cleaning party. Generally numbers are good when event is advertised.
d) Web PCC notices. PCC minutes are published electronically & on notice board.
e) Verger. Val is now acting as wedding verger.
f) BBC broadcast. Positive feedback from the PCC and outside the parish. One person came along to church because of it. The sound of the instruments on the broadcast was disappointing, but singing and speaking worked well. The wide age-range of participants reflected our congregation. The next broadcast will be 17 June; after that, CDs will be available.
g) Pastoral Visiting Team. This is now up and running and Marcus expressed thanks to Gill and the team. The team will be pleased to hear of anyone to be visited.
h) Purificators. A card has now been sent in thanks for these.
i) State of the paintwork in the back corner. Thomas P has visited to monitor this. He will make a photographic record of the state of the wall and redo the painting. It will be checked again in two years, when further deterioration is expected, but at a slower rate. The damage is most likely caused by a) damp working its way out of the stonework and b) rain coming in through the glass. Will continue to monitor to see if other problems become evident. The paint is breathable and does discolour in wet conditions as stonework breathes. The saltation discolouration is a separate issue. There is no further charge from Thomas P at this time.
j) Evangelism Easter. This was reviewed in a wide-ranging discussion. Things to consider for future events include:
a. Social events work well as a way to be introduced to the church family, although many people appeared put off by the idea of a formal dinner: a buffet may be more appropriate. Smaller tables work better. Coffee morning on Saturday was well attended.
b. Inviting people to dinner at a restaurant can be expensive for individuals, especially if people pull out at the last minute.
c. The model used of an outside evangelist coming in was not reflective of what we as a church are about; a better model would put worship first.
d. Advertising of events focused on special events and regular Easter weekend events were not highlighted. This led some people to believe that events such as Good Friday liturgy were not available this year.
e. This was a one-off; it is not planned to repeat the same programme next Easter.
f. Events off-site seem to be a good choice for the comfort of non-church-goers, and any future events will reflect this. Marcus summed up by saying it was good build-up, good turn-out and well worth having a go, despite not being perfect. We need to take our learning forward from this.
5. Finance report & budget. Stewart went over the church finances, as detailed at the Annual Meeting. In order to meet our quota for this year and pay bills, we need to set a budget of £68,000. At present, giving is falling £10,000 short of that for this year.
There are 3 ways to approach this problem:
1) Realistically, giving needs to increase by 25%. This will require a culture shift within the church; we are not centrally funded and need to raise the money ourselves. Marcus explained the concept of tithing before tax and encourages this as a principle, as God blesses generosity.
2) Alternatively, we could plan a gift day to try to raise £10,000 from the roughly 100 members of the church, but this is not a sustainable way of giving.
3) We could consider fund-raising events separate to stewardship
It was agreed that, for the present, Marcus should put the problem before the congregation in the form of a letter available in church, and set forth the vision of the church as serving others, providing worship, etc as a financial burden worth bearing and ask that members look to increase their giving to cover the shortfall, which is currently in excess of £200 per week.
John proposed the budget be accepted, Val seconded and the budget was passed. It was also agreed to put off discussion of fund-raising until the next meeting.
6. Church Hall Working Group. There will be further surveyors’ visits in the next few weeks. The hall will be empty by 30 June.
7. Worship Weekend and Church Family Day. Marcus announced that this would be on the weekend of the 30th June/1st July. Variety of events on Saturday. On Sunday there would be only one service and it was hoped that the congregations of the 8 am and 6pm service would join the 11 o’clock group. (It was suggested that the service time be changed to 10:30) The service would include elements of all the normal services, including a variety of music. There will be a choir for this event, with regular rehearsals in June. After the service there will be a bring and share lunch.
8. Children’s worker. Naomi is leaving this post at the end of August, having done 2 years of wonderful work. Kirsty will take over for a further 2 year appointment. The steering group will continue.
9. AOB
a) Flowers. Three volunteers so far, need one or two more to get going, and do flowers twice a month. It was noted that the silk flower stands need preserving, as one is a memorial and another a donation from the MU.
b) PCC responsibilities. PCC members are leaders and are asked to participate in as many events as possible.
c) Baptism & Confirmation Marcus reported that it had been a real joy to baptise 2 members of the youth group. However, the current baptismal arrangements are not effective for adults, and he will look into a large baptismal pool. The confirmation had gone well, with 4 candidates from St. Catherine’s.
d) Memorial Cross. Alan reported that the memorial cross for the garden of remembrance, cost £200-300, was being donated by the stonemason, Geraint G. It would be placed on a pedestal in the middle of the memorial garden, with pots for flowers. A letter of thanks would be sent. It was suggested that the cross be dedicated at the family weekend.
e) Deanery Conference 25 June. Currently 11 church buildings in Pontypridd area, but by 2013, this may be reduced drastically, with just 3 clergy, and congregations will be amalgamated. Many issues will need to be considered, including transportation.
There was some confusion about the number of representatives for this conference, as details had not been minuted and elections were held at short notice. Marcus will check the constitution to make sure we are complying correctly with the rules.
Meeting closed with prayer at 9:36 pm.
1. The meeting opened at 7:30 with a reading from Psalm 37.
2. Apologies:
3. Minutes of last meeting. Accepted as read: Stuart proposing, Ian seconding.
4. Matters arising. Marcus gave updates on the following:
a) Alpha/Prayer meeting. Alpha ends this week; will continue as Wed. lunchtime home group, open to all from next week. Prayer meetings on first Saturdays have been well attended. Please remember them in prayer if you cannot attend.
b) Children: Holiday Club in Holy Week was themed around Egypt; 45 different children attended in the course of the week. New this time, parents were invited in on last day for presentations and refreshments. Next Holiday Club will be the second week of the summer holidays.
c) Cleaning party. Generally numbers are good when event is advertised.
d) Web PCC notices. PCC minutes are published electronically & on notice board.
e) Verger. Val is now acting as wedding verger.
f) BBC broadcast. Positive feedback from the PCC and outside the parish. One person came along to church because of it. The sound of the instruments on the broadcast was disappointing, but singing and speaking worked well. The wide age-range of participants reflected our congregation. The next broadcast will be 17 June; after that, CDs will be available.
g) Pastoral Visiting Team. This is now up and running and Marcus expressed thanks to Gill and the team. The team will be pleased to hear of anyone to be visited.
h) Purificators. A card has now been sent in thanks for these.
i) State of the paintwork in the back corner. Thomas P has visited to monitor this. He will make a photographic record of the state of the wall and redo the painting. It will be checked again in two years, when further deterioration is expected, but at a slower rate. The damage is most likely caused by a) damp working its way out of the stonework and b) rain coming in through the glass. Will continue to monitor to see if other problems become evident. The paint is breathable and does discolour in wet conditions as stonework breathes. The saltation discolouration is a separate issue. There is no further charge from Thomas P at this time.
j) Evangelism Easter. This was reviewed in a wide-ranging discussion. Things to consider for future events include:
a. Social events work well as a way to be introduced to the church family, although many people appeared put off by the idea of a formal dinner: a buffet may be more appropriate. Smaller tables work better. Coffee morning on Saturday was well attended.
b. Inviting people to dinner at a restaurant can be expensive for individuals, especially if people pull out at the last minute.
c. The model used of an outside evangelist coming in was not reflective of what we as a church are about; a better model would put worship first.
d. Advertising of events focused on special events and regular Easter weekend events were not highlighted. This led some people to believe that events such as Good Friday liturgy were not available this year.
e. This was a one-off; it is not planned to repeat the same programme next Easter.
f. Events off-site seem to be a good choice for the comfort of non-church-goers, and any future events will reflect this. Marcus summed up by saying it was good build-up, good turn-out and well worth having a go, despite not being perfect. We need to take our learning forward from this.
5. Finance report & budget. Stewart went over the church finances, as detailed at the Annual Meeting. In order to meet our quota for this year and pay bills, we need to set a budget of £68,000. At present, giving is falling £10,000 short of that for this year.
There are 3 ways to approach this problem:
1) Realistically, giving needs to increase by 25%. This will require a culture shift within the church; we are not centrally funded and need to raise the money ourselves. Marcus explained the concept of tithing before tax and encourages this as a principle, as God blesses generosity.
2) Alternatively, we could plan a gift day to try to raise £10,000 from the roughly 100 members of the church, but this is not a sustainable way of giving.
3) We could consider fund-raising events separate to stewardship
It was agreed that, for the present, Marcus should put the problem before the congregation in the form of a letter available in church, and set forth the vision of the church as serving others, providing worship, etc as a financial burden worth bearing and ask that members look to increase their giving to cover the shortfall, which is currently in excess of £200 per week.
John proposed the budget be accepted, Val seconded and the budget was passed. It was also agreed to put off discussion of fund-raising until the next meeting.
6. Church Hall Working Group. There will be further surveyors’ visits in the next few weeks. The hall will be empty by 30 June.
7. Worship Weekend and Church Family Day. Marcus announced that this would be on the weekend of the 30th June/1st July. Variety of events on Saturday. On Sunday there would be only one service and it was hoped that the congregations of the 8 am and 6pm service would join the 11 o’clock group. (It was suggested that the service time be changed to 10:30) The service would include elements of all the normal services, including a variety of music. There will be a choir for this event, with regular rehearsals in June. After the service there will be a bring and share lunch.
8. Children’s worker. Naomi is leaving this post at the end of August, having done 2 years of wonderful work. Kirsty will take over for a further 2 year appointment. The steering group will continue.
9. AOB
a) Flowers. Three volunteers so far, need one or two more to get going, and do flowers twice a month. It was noted that the silk flower stands need preserving, as one is a memorial and another a donation from the MU.
b) PCC responsibilities. PCC members are leaders and are asked to participate in as many events as possible.
c) Baptism & Confirmation Marcus reported that it had been a real joy to baptise 2 members of the youth group. However, the current baptismal arrangements are not effective for adults, and he will look into a large baptismal pool. The confirmation had gone well, with 4 candidates from St. Catherine’s.
d) Memorial Cross. Alan reported that the memorial cross for the garden of remembrance, cost £200-300, was being donated by the stonemason, Geraint G. It would be placed on a pedestal in the middle of the memorial garden, with pots for flowers. A letter of thanks would be sent. It was suggested that the cross be dedicated at the family weekend.
e) Deanery Conference 25 June. Currently 11 church buildings in Pontypridd area, but by 2013, this may be reduced drastically, with just 3 clergy, and congregations will be amalgamated. Many issues will need to be considered, including transportation.
There was some confusion about the number of representatives for this conference, as details had not been minuted and elections were held at short notice. Marcus will check the constitution to make sure we are complying correctly with the rules.
Meeting closed with prayer at 9:36 pm.